Research and development of pyrolysis processes and biochar application

Fraunhofer UMSICHT at it's site in Sulzbach-Rosenberg develops pyrolysis plants and processes for the carbonization of biomass, in particular biogenic waste and residual materials . We offer scientific support along the entire value chain from the feedstock to the carbonization process and application of biochar and carbonisates.

From biogenic feedstock to product: Fraunhofer UMSICHT accompanies along the entire value chain of biochar production
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
From biogenic feedstock to product: Fraunhofer UMSICHT accompanies along the entire value chain of biochar production

Biochar for carbon sequestration and substitution for fossil ressources

One of several reactor systems for the carbonization of biomass into biochar at Fraunhofer UMSICHT

According to the IPCC, additional measures are needed to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal CDR) in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. The carbonization of biomass using Pyrolysis processes PyCCS (pyrogenic carbon capture and storage) is considered a reliable technical approach. It consists of using thermochemical processes like pyrolysis to convert plants or biogenic residues that have previously fixed CO2 through photosynthesis into biochar / carbonisates.

The carbon bound in the carbonisates can be stored effectively and safely over long periods of time. Biomass carbonisates, which are used as a substitute for fossil coals, are considered climate-neutral and can reduce the CO2 footprint of processes and products. 

R&D services: from feedstock via process design to biochar application

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Characterization and testing of input materials

  • Testing and assessment of the suitability of feedstocks for carbonisate production on our own thermochemical conversion plants, in particular pyrolysis reactors
  • Support in the selection of available biomasses / biogenic residues for the production of biochar in an industrial scale
  • Database with over 70 tested feedstocks

Pyrolysis process and plant development

  • Development, design and prototype construction of own and external carbonization / pyrolysis plants
  • Support during pyrolysis plant design, commissioning and scale-up
  • Consulting on the utilization and treatment of any secondary products (gas, oil, process water) that may be generated.
  • Support for technology integration into existing processes
  • Test campaigns and optimization of processes in our own pyrolysis pilot plants or externally

Analysis and application optimization of carbonisates / biochar

  • Analysis and quality assessment of biochar
  • Preparation and refinement of carbonisates into products with specific properties based on defined parameters
  • Evaluation and selection of suitable feedstocks for a specific biochar application
  • Preliminary tests / pre-analytics for certification processes of biochar

Technical and economic evaluation of carbonization processes

  • Technical evaluation and advice on the selection of biochar manufacturing processes and equipment
  • Studies on feedstock availability, technical and economic feasibility of biochar production 

Fraunhofer's own research facilities for pyrolysis and biochar

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Biochar from fermentation residues
© Waste Biomass as Alternative Bio-Fuel – Co-Fireing versus Direct Combustion, 2007
Biochar produced by the TCR process (bottom left) have low acid and hydrogen contents.

Fraunhofer UMSICHT in Sulzbach-Rosenberg has many years of experience in the production and analysis of carbonisates (especially biochar) from a wide variety of biogenic and non-biogenic feedstocks.

The institute section operates various pyrolysis plants for the carbonization of biomasses from laboratory to industrial scale with throughputs of 2, 10, 30 and 500 kg. In test campaigns, large quantities of feedstock can thus also be put through and corresponding product quantities can be generated.

The thermo-catalytic reforming process developed at the institute deserves special mention: this special pyrolysis technology achieves an upgrading of the biochar produced in the pyrolysis process through an integrated downstream reforming step. The high product quality of the bioachr allows for high-value applications that are not possible by conventional (flash) pyrolysis processes or hydrothermal processes such as hydro- and vapothermal carbonization. Biochar produced by TCR process have low acid and hydrogen contents and high stability in soil applications. 

In addition to pyrolysis technologies, various gasifier test beds are available that are optimized for biochar.

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Research reactor for biochar production with 2 kg throughput / h
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Large-scale demonstration plant for the production of biochar up to 250 kg / h
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Fixed bed reactor test rig for gasification of biochar.

Pretreatment, analysis and preparation of biochar

Appropriate research and laboratory infrastructure is available for the conditioning of feedstocks, analysis, and processing of biochar, including by-products and downstream products.

Conditioning of feedstocks / sample preparation Characterization / Analytics Preparation / Refinement
Pelletizing, grinding, drying Chemical parameters (water content and water extractable substances, ash content, PAH, metals, calorific and heating value, CHNO) Briquetting, pressing
  Physical parameters (bulk density, jolt density, density via helium pycnometer, particle size distribution, pressure drop, impact hardness, rolling abrasion hardness, ball-pan hardness, Hg porosimetry).  

Adsorption parameter

Iodine number

BET (N2, CO2, Ar, Kr)


Application areas for biochar

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT

Depending on the area of application, biochar must fulfill specific properties. Fraunhofer UMSICHT provides support in the preparation, modification and refinement of carbonisates into products with defined parameters.

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
In test specimens, up to 20 percent by mass of cement could be replaced by carbonisates.
© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Test specimens or pellets made of carbonized plastic compounds - the proportion of biochar is up to 30 percent.

Soil applications

Biochar can find application in the agricultural context with the aim of carbon storage combined with soil improvement. Depending on the purpose, the physical and chemical properties of the respective biochar, compliance with limit values in accordance with international guidelines and appropriate certification are important for such an application.

Building and materials

Biochar can be utilised as a filler in concreteasphalt or plastics to reduce the CO2 footprint of the products or to specifically modify the product properties.  Porosity, particle size distribution, adhesion behavior and leaching behavior of pollutants play a major role here. These properties can be modified by targeted processing. We offer various processes for this purpose.  


Coal from fossil sources is an important input material in industry, e.g. in the sintering plant for the production of iron ore agglomerates, in the electric arc furnace as injection or feed coal, or as alloying coal for adjusting the carbon content of the steel. To achieve CO2-neutral steel production, the replacement of fossil coals by biochar plays a major role. Decisive parameters for this are the ash content, the amount of volatile components, the calorific value, the particle size and the reactivity. The selection of suitable feedstocks as well as the process parameters during the conversion of biomass to produce the biochar is therefore crucial.

Thermal utilization

Whether for combustion or gasification of the biochar for the generation of process heat or electricity, the calorific value, the proportion of carbon or the ash content is decisive. Together with you, we evaluate the suitability and, if necessary, optimization of the resulting carbonisates for efficient thermal utilization.  

Recovery of recyclable materials

Biomass and biogenic residues partly contain valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. In the context of landfilling, these are lost for targeted application. By means of pyrolytic conversion, these nutrients can be recovered from the input materials in a targeted manner, either from the biochar itself or from the existing side streams (gas, oil, water), and used further in a targeted manner.

Reference projects


UMSICHT uses biochar from pyrolysis processes to upgrade soils

Project InterPyro


EU project


A global approach to reclaiming agricultural land through a combination of phytoremediation, biofuel production and climate-friendly copper smelting.


EU project


Fraunhofer UMSICHT is responsible for implementing the German pilot project for nutrient recovery from cattle manure. The innovative process chain will maximise nitrogen recovery and phosphorus utilisation from cattle manure and convert it into the commodity fertiliser ammonium phosphate. In addition, phosphorus-rich biochar will be produced.

Terminology: biochar - (biomass) carbonisate

The treatment of biomasses by means of a thermal process (technical pyrolysis or hydrothermal carbonization) leads to an increase in the relative carbon content. The resulting products are generally referred to as carbonisates; depending on the feedstock, the term biochar is also commonly used. However, to distinguish it from coal from fossil sources, the term »biochar« is preferred.

Carbon carriers that can be used and applied directly as a material in agriculture or animal husbandry are defined as biochar. Only unpolluted biomasses are used in their production.

If pyrolysis is carried out as a thermal treatment process to obtain the carbonisates, the resulting products are called pyrogenic carbon (or pyrolysis coke). With woody feedstocks and slow heating rates in the pyrolysis process, the product obtained is charcoal.

The term Terra Preta is also used in the context of the agricultural use of biochar. This refers to a soil that has been strongly influenced by humans, which is found in the Amazon basin and has particularly fertile properties due to carbonisates from biomass introduced into it.

Further carbonaceous material can be produced by biomass gasification. These products are referred to as gasifier coke. This term can also be used in connection with other products, e.g. fossil products, and is not purely related to products from biomass.

more information


Focus topic

Carbon Management: Sustainable use of carbon

You can find more information here.