EU Project

Innovative Fertilizer Solutions from Manure: Fertimanure Project Concludes with Promising Results

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The EU-funded FERTIMANURE project aimed to develop, test, and validate advanced nutrient management strategies to produce competitive fertilizers that contribute to high yields. The primary goal was to recycle valuable nutrients from livestock manure and produce bio-based fertilizers.

After four years of research and development, the project has provided a roadmap for enhancing nutrient recovery and reducing the environmental impact of manure management.

Among the key outcomes is the successful operation of a 30 kg/h pilot pyrolysis plant utilizing the Thermo-Catalytic Reforming (TCR®) technology, developed by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, to convert cattle manure into biochar. Integrated into the pilot plant is a reactor for recovering nitrogen from pyrolysis gas, enabling the production of mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) as a sustainable fertilizer with properties equivalent to conventionally produced products.

The biochar produced meets the stringent standards of the European Biochar Certificate (EBC), including thresholds for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), ensuring its safety and suitability for agricultural use. With a nutrient profile of 5.7% phosphorus (P) and 6.7% potassium (K), the biochar demonstrated excellent potential in crop trials.

Pot trials with maize on low-phosphorus soils showed comparable biomass yields and phosphorus uptake to full mineral fertilization, while ryegrass trials confirmed the biochar’s capability to serve as a sole phosphorus source, achieving nutrient uptake levels equivalent to mineral fertilizers. These results highlight the biochar’s ability to release phosphorus gradually, aligning with plant needs and reducing nutrient losses to the environment.

Beyond the technical innovations, FERTIMANURE provides a scalable framework for sustainable fertilizer production that aligns with the European Green Deal and Circular Economy goals. The findings will continue to guide efforts to improve manure valorization and nutrient recycling across Europe and beyond.

FERTIMANURE was primarily conducted in five of the largest animal production countries in the EU: Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain. A total of 20 project partners from seven EU countries and Argentina collaborated over a period of 48 months.

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